[Points to Remember: The creation of wealth can ONLY come from the interaction between a LORD (owner/creator) God and a BUSINESS (steward/creative) Man. The creation of wealth is independent of
money, customers, the community and government. ]
Creation of wealth is one of the most fundamental instructions from God to individual Man from the beginning. God is the standard for what is good. When the Creator "sees that it is good" he blesses it to multiply. A business is a system. A chosen method of BEHAVIOR...a method chosen by a person we today call the entrepreneur. If the entrepreneur chooses wisdom, the system will be blessed and bear fruit. A wise system will maximize fruit (goods and services that are valuable to someone) and minimize cost (waste, destruction, evil, corruption, inefficiency, confusion.) If the system behaves in a way where the fruit is not overcome by the waste, that is a fruitful or "profitable" system. The businessman with a wise system for farming, carpentry, welding, farming, plumbing, educating, training or even governing is CREATING value. He is bearing fruit created by God, for God. The good and/or service IS "good" and it IS a "service" and a good business does lots of it and little waste as possible. The creation of a wisely efficient system that produces value is the fruit. We are NOT talking about MONEY here. We are talking about wealth and the building of a business, a fruitful system of behavior. Notice how this is a complete picture of the building of wealth. Money, customers and government are not necessary to it. They come LATER in the form of TRADE or SALES. Producing a profit is not essentially a communal or social affair.
Now, this Business Man might, within the design of the business he and God created, along with the resulting value or wealth he has created, choose to trade some of his valuable goods and services with another Business Man. This is a TRADE or a SALE. The trade or sale is an EQUAL exchange of valuable. That is the nature of a trade. Something that is valuable to you is exchanged with something that is equally valuable to me. At the end of this trade, noone becomes richer. The value transfered is equal. Consumers and vendors and employers and government officials might also make a "TRADE" with the Business Man. A TRADE, by definition, is an EQUAL exchange of value from one Man to other Man. These exchanges have NOTHING to do with the the CREATION or BUILDING of new wealth. They are only trading an equally valuable unit of wealth in the form of goods(vendors) services(employees, government) or pieces of paper. These pieces of paper do not have value in themselves. They are not the creation of wealth. These pieces of paper, called money, only have value when Men came to together to make laws authorizing the paper as a customary unit to represent some wealth that a Man has created with his God.
The BusinessMan might choose to hire a government, another business system, to perform services FOR the businessman. The city, county incorporates. The Man adopts a constitution, hiring a Republic to perform services. The Government, like the customer and the vendor, can exchange the valuable services that the Government Man has created with HIS God, but, like the customer and the vendor, this is an equal exchange in value. The government cannot build any wealth for the business. The government can create it's OWN wealth, in the form of fruitful efficient systems that result in SURPLUSES vs DEFICITS, but--like the customer and vendor, Government cannot CREATE the Business Man's wealth for him. That is done by God and an obedient Man.
The Business Man does not TAKE wealth from others to create wealth. The Business Man may have made TRADES with others, but he has taken nothing. If God has blessed him, that is God's choice. If a shareholder has contracted with the Business Man with an investment of capital, then the Shareholder is partner of the Business Man and they create wealth jointly as Business Men. Even still, the business system is the incubator of wealth, not the investment. Then Investment is a form of a TRADE. The Creation of wealth benefits the community because the community now has one more unit of wealth within it. Business IS beneficial to the community. Business do not OWE anything to anyone except to love them. They have made equal exchanges of value they have themselves created by obeying certain principles to such a degree to produce fruit. Unless the Business Man steals or gives or is taxed, he has no power to redistribute wealth to others. If he gives, it is an act of charity. If he is taxed, it is--hopefully--because he has FREELY valued the government as a worthy vendor to perform services needed.If he steals, then he has taken or redistributed wealth he did not himself create without having been given authority to do so. The solution: other Men have hired the government to stop his lawbreaking.
The problem:
What happens if the Government IS the lawbreaker, and begins taking or redistributing wealth IT did not create WITHOUT the authority to do so? What if the other Men hire the government to redistribute wealth away from the Business Man, without an willing exchange of value. What if the Government and other Man gets arrogant and socialistic and says "We, not God, created your wealth for you. You owe that wealth to me. I am not just Men hired to govern you. We now choose to Rule you. We, not God, will determine how much wealth you should have created, and if you bear too much fruit, we will take it for ourselves. In fact, we don't even have to do the things you hired us to do in your contract if we don't like it..."
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