Why are unseen concepts such as x-rays, string theory, black hole event horizons, dark matter and even cognition and the space-time continuum, acceptable topics in nearly every public school science class, but not an unseen Designer creating and sustaining them?
And another question, if a Designer is not allowed in the classroom because of the scientific method, and if the scientific method requires empirical observation, and if the only scientist or person who existed before mankind was the Designer, then why are theories (or "facts") regarding the origin of the universe even in a "science" class? Should that be in a "history" class?
And if the Bible cannot pass a scientific method litmus test, then surely evolutionary theories cannot pass, since evolutionary theories have no empirical observer to test them except an original Designer.
And if you allow origin theories in a history class on historical grounds, then shouldn't decisions about whether the Bible is a credible origin textbook be evaluated based on historical criteria? And isn't the Bible a more credible historical text than any scientific journal full of modern lab tests?
Is it not true that manuscript reliability, eyewitness credibility, martyred authors, internally confirmed prophesy fulfillment and prophesy fulfillment confirmed by extra-biblical sources, and extra-biblical and archeological verification give the Bible more credibility regarding ancient happenings than empirical and lab tests?
The historically credible Bible reveals the character of the original Designer, the Bible calls him "God." And God has the only eyewitness account of empirical observation regarding the scientific and historical events of the pre-Man universe.
Any further thoughts?
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